Qt designer tutorial ) Hier Qt Designer! Scheint ziemlich kompliziert. Learn how to use PyQt5 Qt Designer or QtDesigner to build drag-and-drop GUIs with Python. Calculator Form/Multiple Inheritance. Es una manera de crear la interfaz grafica de manera visual, sin usar código. Most PySide GUI applications consist of a main window and For more information, see Compiling Qt Creator and Building Qt Creator from Git. If you are new to Qt Widgets Designer, you can take a look at the Getting To Know Qt Widgets Designer document. A Quick Start to Qt Widgets Designer; Qt Widgets Designer's Editing Modes. Most PyQt GUI applications consist of a main window and several Sur cette page, découvrez des tutoriels pour apprendre à utiliser des outils comme Qt Creator ou Qt Linguist et des modules de Qt pour les interfaces graphiques (Qt GUI, Qt Widgets, Qt Quick), la 3D (Qt OpenGL), les bases de données relationnelles (Qt SQL), le réseau (Qt Network), etc. Qt Creator. Using Qt Designer you can define your UIs visually and then simply hook up the application logic later. It is great for creating simple GUI’s but also scales well to more complex ones. This tutorial uses the TextFinder example to illustrate how to debug Qt C++ applications in the Debug mode. Using Qt Designer involves four basic steps:. PyQt5 Qt Designer is suitable for Python desktop apps. To look at the TextFinder class and see the stored data: Qt Creator automatically opens all . May 21, 2022 · Effortlessly install Qt Designer standalone for Windows, Mac, and Linux with this complete guide. Cet outil est automatiquement configuré lors de l’installation de Qt et peut donc être utilisé directement quand vous avez fini l’installation. Qt Creator ouvre automatiquement tous les fichiers . Apr 15, 2021 · The good news is that Qt comes with a graphical editor — Qt Designer — which contains a drag-and-drop UI editor. This power comes at a price however: The download for Qt Creator is gigabytes in size! Jul 9, 2024 · C++ Tutorial | How to get started with Qt Creator | C++ GUI | Libraries | Qt Designer | Cross platform. Generally, the integrated Qt Designer contains the same functions as the standalone Qt Designer. In this PyQt5 tutorial we'll cover the basics of creating Python GUIs with Qt Designer. You can then drag and drop required widgets from the widget box on the left pane. Follow a set of hands-on tutorials that illustrate how to use the features of Qt Design Studio. Dazu verwenden wir Qt Designer. It is available for Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems. Qt Designer Manual#. Qt Creator is yet another IDE for C++, but it is very well suited for coding Qt applications. With step-by-step instructions to quickly set up and begin using Qt Designer for your PyQt or PySide projects. the point best about pyqt5 is this that you can use Qt Designer, it means that you can design your application using a gui designer, it has drag and drop functionalities. For a quick tutorial on how to use Qt Widgets Designer, refer to A Quick Start to Qt Widgets Designer. Using Designer in Qt Creator. Learn how to Jan 9, 2020 · Learn how to use Qt Designer to create complex GUIs for your PyQt5 applications with different layout managers. PAGER : トップ /Qt Designer Tutorial 新規作成、オブジェクトの設置 GUIアプリケーションのプログラミングにおいて、 各オブジェクトの場所をコードで設定するのは、 非常に面倒である。 This tutorial describes how to use Qt Creator to create a small Qt application, Text Finder. Apr 15, 2019 · The good news is that Qt comes with a graphical editor — Qt Designer — which contains a drag-and-drop UI editor. ui文件,当然也可以在独立的Qt Designer中进行使用。 在编译程序的时候,会使用到 Qt 的一个工具用户界面编译器(uic), 它负责将xml格式的代码编译转换成一个标准的C++类。 Jan 7, 2025 · Qt 6 or later (download from the official Qt website) A code editor or IDE (such as Qt Creator, Visual Studio Code, or Sublime Text) Technical Background Core Concepts and Terminology. Video tutorials. The first steps to using QtDesigner is to download and install pyqt5-tools (this can be Instalación de Python Pyqt5 y QT Designer; Pycharm+Pyqt5+QT Designer+Poyic Configuration Tutorial; Use Qt Designer para crear la interfaz front-end, convierta el . The principles, layouts and widgets are identical These documents cover a range of topics, from basic use of widgets to step-by-step tutorials that show how an application is put together. Using a form created with Qt Widgets Designer in an application. Follow the steps to create a login form, convert the . This tutorial will show you how to use pyqt designer to create simple GUI applications using drag and drop. Learn how to design and build graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets using Qt Widgets Designer. An overview tutorial on Qt Creator IDE giving you basic knowledge on navigation, where to find examples, use documentation and tutorials inside the environme Qt Designer vs. Manuel du concepteur Qt. Qt Designer is an intuitive visual interface-building tool that allows developers to design and create user interfaces using the Qt application development framework. Widget Editing Mode; Signals and Slots Editing Mode; Buddy Editing Mode; Tab Order Qt Creator provides a cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE) for application developers to create applications for multiple desktop, embedded, and mobile device platforms, such as Android and iOS. Tutorial: Use internal libraries with qmake How to create your own library and link your application against it when using qmake as the build system. Creating projects This series is designed to teach you how to create simple graphical user interfaces using PyQt5 and Qt Designer. See also How To: Manage Kits , Register installed Qt versions , Install plugins , and Licenses and acknowledgments . Table of Contents. Now we will add a text and a button. I want to learn but i can' t find something Thanks Qt Widgets Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets. RIP Tutorial. Jul 6, 2019 · This pyqt5 tutorial will show you how to use Qt Designer with python. And it will be as usual, a hello world. Qt Design Studio is available either as a standalone installation package or as an option in Qt Online Installer. Creating a user interface from a Qt Widgets Designer form at run-time. In this tutorial we'll cover the basics of creating UIs with Qt Designer. For user interface design with Qt Quick, see Qt Design Studio. PySide6 is a Video tutorials. TextFinder reads a text file into QString and then displays it with QTextEdit . Creation of a GUI interface using Qt Designer starts with choosing a top level window for the application. py a través de VS Code, y finalmente use PyQt5 para realizar el salto en la interfaz del botón; Instalación de Pyqt5 con PyCharm Configuration QT Designer Jan 12, 2025 · The good news is that Qt comes with a graphical editor Qt Designer (or Qt Creator) which contains a drag-and-drop UI editor — Qt Designer. For user interface design with Qt Quick, see Qt Design Studio. We are now ready to create our first window. in order, especially if you're new to Qt Creator and Qt programming in general. In the Welcome mode, select Examples (1). ui creado por Qt Designer a . ui file. ui dans le Qt Designer, en mode Conception. Most PySide GUI applications consist of a main window and Qt Designer Manual# Qt Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets. Who this PyQt tutorial is for. It is however, not an IDE such as Visual Studio. When you run Qt Design Studio, the Tutorials tab in the Welcome mode contains links to video tutorials. Before writing our first GUI app, let's discover Qt Creator. Qt Creator features. It covers a very basic example of how to use Qt Designer with PyQt and Python. If you have Qt Design Studio installed, you can open Qt Design Studio examples from Qt Creator in Qt Design Studio. The examples are part of the Qt packages. The following tutorials illustrate how to use Qt Creator or Qt Design Studio to develop simple applications for a particular platform: Jan 25, 2023 · In this video I walk you through the basics of PySide6 and Qt Designer. Also, enable python to use an application for development language to c++ and support platform as Android and ios. Double click on the mainwindow. However, to activate this you first need to start creating a . Aug 2, 2016 · QML and Qt Quick; Qt Quick designer tutorial; Discover and share your #QtStories If you are new to Qt Designer, you can take a look at the Getting To Know Qt Designer document. You can also assign value to properties of widget laid on the form. Qt Designer is a capable graphical user interface designer that lets you create and configure forms without writing code. If you are new to Qt Designer, you can take a look at the Getting To Know Qt Designer document. To achieve this, we need to install PySide6. Using Qt Designer Installing Qt Design Studio. In this PySide tutorial we'll cover the basics of creating Python GUIs with Qt Designer. Dec 7, 2024 · 要使用Qt Designer设计的UI界面生成Python代码并执行需要遵循几个步骤。确保已经安装了PyQt6和Qt Designer。Qt Designer是一个强大的工具,允许通过拖放组件来设计GUI界面,而不需要手写所有的代码。安装PyQt6时 Qt Designer通常会一起被安装。 Aug 2, 2016 · Oh Thanks !! It's very helpful. Aug 2, 2016 · Hello guys, I'm a novice in qml programmation and i'm french so my english is not very good. Hence, Qt Designer does not have the facility to debug and build the PyQt 使用Qt Designer PyQt安装程序附带一个名为Qt Designer的GUI构建工具。 Qt Designer 使用其简单的拖放界面,可以快速构建GUI界面,而无需编写代码。然而,它不是像Visual Studio这样的集成开发环境。因此,Qt Designer不能进行调试和构建应用程序的操作。 Aug 18, 2020 · Improve your PyQt5 GUIs by designing custom dialogs using Qt Designer. O sugundo caminho pode melhorar drasticamente sua produtividade, enquanto o primeiro caminho coloca você no controle total do código da sua aplicação. Start with “First steps with Qt Designer” PyQt5 - Using Qt Designer - The PyQt installer comes with a GUI builder tool called Qt Designer. For more details see the link below. We create this PyQt tutorial for intermediate Python programmers who want to make powerful and beautiful desktop applications. Además, crearemos un ejemplo de diálogo usando varios widgets con un layout coherente para reforzar tus conocimientos y juntar todo en un diálogo completamente funcional tal como lo crearías en una aplicación del Open the demo project in Qt Design Studio to debug it: To look at the code that starts a new game, place a breakpoint in samegame. Choose your form and objects; Lay the objects out on the form; Connect the signals to the slots; Preview the form; Suppose you would like to design a small widget (see screenshot above) that contains the controls needed to manipulate Red, Green and Blue (RGB) values – a type of widget that can be seen everywhere in image manipulation programs. How to use the integrated Qt Widgets Designer to create a Qt widget-based application for the desktop. Open and run examples within Qt Creator's Welcome mode. they are implemented more than 35 extension modules. GUIs created with Qt Designer can be compiled into an application or created at run-time. It enables developers to design UIs visually by dragging and dropping widgets on the interface. ui So now you should see: (if not and you see some xml file, click on the Design button at the left) Here Qt Designer ! Seems quite complicated. Creating a custom multi-page plugin for Qt Widgets Designer Apr 15, 2020 · Open up Qt Designer/Qt Creator and you will be presented with the main window. to do that, we will use Qt Designer. You can load a GUI from Python. Widget Editing Mode; Signals and Slots Editing Mode; Buddy Editing Mode; Tab Order Editing Mode; Using Layouts in Aug 20, 2021 · In this tutorial, you'll go through the process of using placeholders widgets to include a *PyQtGraph* plot in a GUI app from within Qt Designer. Aggiungere finestre all'applicazione; 11. Widget Editing Mode; Signals and Slots Editing Mode; Buddy Editing Mode; Tab Order Aug 23, 2021 · En este tutorial explicamos diseñar tu interfaz en Qt Designer Python e importarla en tu código de Python. It is a simplified version of the Qt UI Tools Text Finder example. qml by clicking between the line number and the window border on the line where the startNewGame() function is called (1). If you have large forms that do not fit in the Qt Creator Design mode, you can open Qt Designer is a capable graphical user interface designer that lets you create and configure forms without writing code. Uso di widget custom in Qt Creator; 14. Il paint system di Qt; 13. Une fois que vous avez installé Qt, vous pouvez démarrer Qt Designer de la même manière que toute autre application sur l’hôte de développement. You can follow a set of hands-on tutorials that illustrate how to use the features of Qt Design Studio. In this tutorial we’ll show you step by step. Vous pouvez composer et personnaliser vos fenêtres ou boîtes de dialogue de manière WYSIWYG (ce que vous voyez est ce que vous obtenez), et les tester en utilisant différents styles et résolutions. Qt Designer Jan 9, 2021 · Qt offers a set of layout managers that simplify the process of widget positioning and will allow you to easily create any kind of GUI layout. Qt Designer's Editing Modes. Librerie di widget custom Qt Widgets Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets. Aug 23, 2021 · In diesem Tutorial lernen Sie, wie Sie die Layouts von Qt mit Qt Designer verwenden, um komplexe GUIs für Ihre Anwendungen zu erstellen. Qt Designer normally ships as a part of Qt Creator. Thx again !! Using Qt Designer involves four basic steps:. Select one or more versions of Qt to target. This course is for anyone interested in creating with Qt Design Studio. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on designing and implementing custom dialogs, ensuring your applications offer engaging and intuitive user interactions. You'll use Qt Widgets Designer to construct the application user interface from Qt widgets and the code editor to write the application logic in C++. , y compris en Python avec PyQt. Qt Designer es una herramienta para crear interfaces de usuario de manera fácil y rápida, usando widgets, que solo se arrastran y acomodan. Doppelklicken Sie auf das mainwindow. Find tutorials, examples, and advanced features for customizing and integrating your widgets with code. Jul 29, 2024 · Qt Creator在设计模式下自动在集成的Qt Designer中打开所有. Aug 23, 2021 · En este tutorial, aprenderás a usar los layouts de Qt con Qt Designer para construir GUIs complejas para tus aplicaciones. In Qt Creator access to Designer is via the tab on the left hand side. Written tutorials. Qt Designer is a cross-platform drag and drop GUI designer, which can be used to build UIs for both PyQt and PySide. IF you're using Qt Designer standalone you can skip ahead. Disegnare interfacce con Qt Designer; 9. Learn the basic concepts of QML, Explore Qt Design Studio, or discover how Qt is used in specific industries; there is a learning path for you to explore. For a more thorough walkthrough of the different aspects of developing applications with Qt 6, see the Qt 6 QML Book. Table of Contents A Quick Start to Qt Designer; Qt Designer's Editing Modes. Qt Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets. Lot of examples, explanations are clear Now i'm gonna try hard and learn. Qt Designer is a great tool for designing PySide GUIs, allowing you to use the entire range of Qt5 widgets and layouts to construct your apps. I'm here for asking you if some people know where i can find good tutorials with example for Qt Quick designer. . and you can separate your main design from the coding. It focuses on Qt Quick, but also provides the information needed to use QML together with C++. It is a full-fledged and very powerful C++ IDE. We assume that you have been working with Python and understanding Python object-oriented programming. In this PyQt6 tutorial we'll cover the basics of creating Python GUIs with Qt Designer. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use Qt's layouts with Qt Designer to build complex GUIs for your applications. Widget su Qt; Interfacce grafiche con QtWidgets. Welcome to Codetech Tutorials! Today, we’re going to be exploring another way to create C++ GUI applications or windowing, and continuing our trend of looking at new tools and techniques. I want to learn but i can' t find something Thanks The good news is that Qt comes with a graphical editor Qt Designer (or Qt Creator) which contains a drag-and-drop UI editor — Qt Designer. Perfezionare il layout di una form; 10. Tags; Topics; Examples; eBooks; Learning Qt eBook (PDF) Download this eBook for free Chapters. In this PySide6 tutorial we'll cover the basics of creating Python GUIs with Qt Designer. Learn how to use the Qt Designer tool to design user interfaces for PyQt applications. Widget Editing Mode; Signals and qt designer python. You can compose and customize your windows or dialogs in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) manner, and test them using different styles and resolutions. The following examples illustrate how to create and use Qt Designer forms and how to create Qt Designer custom widget plugins. Chapter 2, Building Applications with Qt Creator, explains how to compile, run, and Jan 12, 2025 · The good news is that Qt comes with a graphical editor Qt Designer (or Qt Creator) which contains a drag-and-drop UI editor — Qt Designer. Qt Designer软件作为一款Qt辅助工具,其允许我们使用所见即所得的方式,通过Qt Widgets来创建图形用户界面。 正好最近要学习Qt for Python(PySide6),工欲善其事,必先利其器,准备系统的学习一下Qt Designer,网上也没有比较系统的最新资料,那就只能扒官方文档了,在这里权当做个学习记录吧。 Jan 12, 2025 · The good news is that Qt comes with a graphical editor Qt Designer (or Qt Creator) which contains a drag-and-drop UI editor — Qt Designer. Select the base class to be QWidget (leave the class name as Widget which is the default Sep 18, 2021 · Improve your PySide6 GUIs by designing custom dialogs using Qt Designer. Creating a custom multi-page plugin for Qt Widgets Designer. Vous pouvez également lancer Qt Designer directement depuis Qt Creator. Qt Creator est l’éditeur fournit dans Qt pour écrire du code, compiler et executé vos applications Qt. Qt Designer helps you build a GUI (graphical user interface). Although there are many resources available online, most of them use C++ for development or the PyQt library. Ideal for developers aiming to add polished and functional dialogs to their software projects. For more information about the differences, see the Qt Creator Manual. Jan 31, 2024 · The good news is that Qt comes with a graphical editor Qt Designer (or Qt Creator) which contains a drag-and-drop UI editor — Qt Designer. Feb 5, 2024 · In this tutorial, we focus on using QT Designer purely for design purposes, while the programmed actions will be written in Python. For more information, see Supported Platforms. Nun sollten Sie Folgendes sehen: (Wenn nicht und Sie eine XML-Datei sehen, klicken Sie links auf die Schaltfläche Design. Follow the tutorial to create main windows, dialogs, menus, toolbars, and more with Qt Designer and Python. A Quick Start to Qt Designer; Qt Designer's Editing Modes. User interface. Learn how to use Qt Designer, a Qt tool that provides a WYSIWYG interface to create GUIs for your PyQt applications. The principles, layouts and widgets are identical In this course, you will launch the Qt Design Studio for the first time, go through its basic views, and create a new project that you can use to try out some of the basic functionalities. Follow the steps to build a dialog with labels, buttons, and a splitter using horizontal, vertical, grid, and form layouts. Allí escribiremos los siguientes comandos, confirmando con una ‘y’ cuando sea necesario: conda update --all conda install qt conda install pyqt. Apr 15, 2021 · Open up Qt Designer/Qt Creator and you will be presented with the main window. We'll design some simple windows and forms and hook them together. Con esto Launching Designer. Related Course: Create GUI Apps with Python PyQt5. 本單元起,必須安裝 Qt Designer 作為設計 GUI 的布局之用。安裝 Qt Designer 最簡便的方式: 在 Python 環境: > pip install pyqt6-tools 當然,之前必須先安裝 PyQt6 (> pip install pyqt6)。安裝完 pyqt6_tools 之後的 Designer 應用程式會被安置在 python 下的路徑。譬如…. This is Qt's official editor and lets you do a lot more than just graphically design user interfaces. The tutorial focuses on creating desktop applications with PyQt, starting with the construction of simple windows to ensure proper functionality. If you select a Qt for Android or iOS, you can only see the examples that run on Android or iOS. Select a tutorial to watch it on YouTube. Tutorials. A desktop build is fine for this tutorial. 7. Choose your form and objects; Lay the objects out on the form; Connect the signals to the slots; Preview the form; Suppose you would like to design a small widget (see screenshot above) that contains the controls needed to manipulate Red, Green and Blue (RGB) values -- a type of widget that can be seen everywhere in image manipulation programs. pyqt5 designer tutorial for beginers: The pyQt5 is the set of python building for Qt v5. Learn how to use Qt Widgets Designer to create a simple widget that can manipulate RGB values. Take your first steps with Qt Designer & find out how to create UIs and use them in Python; Work through laying out your UIs in Designer to get the hang of how Qt Designer works; Learn how to create custom Dialogs with Designer and use them Aug 30, 2018 · Instalar PyQt 5 y Qt Designer. You don't need any previous design or coding experience. ui file to Python code, and load the form in a Python program. Visit the Downloads page for more information. Qt Designer 是 Qt 工具,用于使用 Qt Widgets 设计和构建图形用户界面 (GUI)。 您可以以所见即所得 (WYSIWYG) 的方式编写和自定义窗口或对话框,并使用不同的样式和分辨率对其进行测试。 Here you can find a variety of different 'how-to' tutorials for Qt Design Studio! PyQt5 - 使用Qt Designer PyQt安装程序带有一个叫做Qt Designer的GUI构建工具。使用其简单的拖放界面,可以快速建立GUI界面,而不需要编写代码。然而,它不是一个像Visual Studio那样的IDE。因此,Qt Designer不具备调试和构建应用程序的功能。 Dec 24, 2024 · Para criar suas interfaces no PySide/PyQt, você pode seguir dois caminhos principais: (i) você pode codificar manualmente a Interface em código Python ou (ii) usar o Qt Designer. Sep 20, 2019 · In this tutorial, you'll go through the process of using placeholders widgets to include a *PyQtGraph* plot in a GUI app from within Designer. Qt Designer is a great tool for designing PyQt6 GUIs, allowing you to use the entire range of Qt5 widgets and layouts to construct your apps. Fogli di stile per Qt Widget; 12. PyQt5 is a python module that allows you to quickly develop GUI applications. Describes the parts and basic features of Qt Design Studio. Zusätzlich erstellen wir ein Dialogbeispiel, das mehrere Widgets mit einem kohärenten Layout verwendet, um Ihr Wissen zu festigen und alles zu einem voll funktionsfähigen Dialog zusammenzufügen, wie Sie Nun fügen wir einen Text und eine Schaltfläche hinzu. 4. Calculator Form. Follow the steps to choose a form, place widgets, lay out, connect signals and slots, and preview the form. Start up Qt Creator: Go to File — New File or Project menu entry Choose Qt Gui Application and choose a name for it: Enter a project name, "qt-tutorial-01", say. QtDesigner 是 QT 官方推出的图形化制作GUI界面的工具。通过拖拽控件的方式就可以快速的制作出一个 GUI 界面。可视化搭建好图形界面之后,只需要关注业务代码即可。Qt Designer 的设计符合MVC的架构,其实现了视图和 Jan 19, 2025 · With Qt for Python, developers can leverage the Qt 6 API within Python applications using the PySide6 modules, which provide access to various Qt modules like Qt Core, Qt GUI, and Qt Widgets. These chapters are: Chapter 1, Getting Started with Qt Creator, explains how to download and install Qt Creator, as well as edit simple applications to test your installation. Chapter 1: Getting started with Qt; Jul 21, 2024 · I want to shed some light on developing a Qt plugin using PySide 6 with Python. ui files in the integrated Qt Designer, in Design mode. Most of the examples run on various Note: See the official Getting Started with Qt Widgets page for an alternative tutorial. Qt Designer est l'outil Qt permettant de concevoir et de créer des interfaces utilisateur graphiques (GUI) avec le Qt Widgets. We will add some text and a button. When laying out your PyQt6 GUIs it can be quite a tricky task to place every widget in the right position on your forms. Qt: A cross-platform application development framework that includes a comprehensive set of libraries and tools for building GUI applications. Qt Designer 手册 Qt Designer 是用于设计和构建 GUI (图形用户界面) 的 Qt 工具采用 Qt Widgets 。 可以按 WYSIWYG (所见即所得) 方式合成、定制窗口 (或对话框),及使用不同样式和分辨率测试它们。 Aug 2, 2016 · Hello guys, I'm a novice in qml programmation and i'm french so my english is not very good. Sep 18, 2020 · Improve your PySide2 GUIs by designing custom dialogs using Qt Designer. For a quick tutorial on how to use Qt Designer, refer to A Quick Start to Qt Designer. C’est pour des raisons de simplicité que Qt Creator est utilisé dans ce tutoriel. Qt Designer is a tool that comes with pyqt5 to help increase the speed at which you can build GUI applications. Qt for Python docu Use the Qt Designer tool. Container Extension Example. Running the Examples. ui. You can compose and customize your windows or dialogs in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) manner, and test them using different styles and resolutions. Using its simple drag and drop interface, a GUI interface can be quickly built without having to write the code. Qt 设计手册. Whether you're just starting out, or a seasoned pro, we're dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive learning experience that will elevate your skills as a Qt Developer or Designer. Creare un'applicazione con Qt Widgets; 8. If you cannot see any examples, check that the list of Qt versions (2) is not empty. But once you get used to it, it really great. Mar 3, 2023 · In this PyQt5 Tutorial we are going to learn Working with Qt Designer, as you know PyQt5 is one of the best library for GUI Development in Python programming language. xwefq jmnyck uepyn boazrb och kklnu mdz aedf pqle mkzv jinhui zvrfkp klzwe olcbog icxfu